Licensed to practice in NJ, NY, and PA

100 Walnut Ave., Ste 210, Clark, NJ 07066moc.walrekahnieb%40ofni(908) 379-9747

Licensed to practice in NJ, NY, and PA

100 Walnut Ave., Ste 210, Clark, NJ 07066moc.walrekahnieb%40ofni(908) 379-9747

About DocuBank

Protection You Can Bank On


The DocuBank Card

Information is key in an emergency situation.  When you protect your healthcare directives (living will, health care power of attorney) with DocuBank, you receive a personalized DocuBank Card that makes all of your emergency medical information and critical advance directives available in two convenient ways:

By Phone: By calling 1-800-DOCUBANK (362-8226), hospitals get your information immediately faxed to them.

By Computer: By clicking the Hospital Button or going to, you can view and print documents immediately for hospital staff.

Your DocuBank Card:

Carrying your plastic wallet card means that hospitals have instant access to the information they need to provide the best care possible, and family members aren't scrambling to find it when they should be by your side.

Medical Alerts

Your DocuBank card lists important medical conditions and allergies so that they are immediately available

The name and phone numbers for your primary emergency contact also appear so they can be reached by healthcare professionals

A complete list of your current medications, vaccinations and a highlight of your medical story can also be transmitted when your info is requested

Your emergency contacts can receive an alert when your card is used so that they know where you are and be at your side


Medication List Access

Upload a list of your personal medications that you already have, or use the online form, to add and revise medications on as they change. Members who provide their medication information will have this indicated on their DocuBank cards so doctors know to go online to obtain this information.

Medical Snapshot

Add critical medical information so that it is in one easy, organized spot for you and your family.  Filling in your Medical Snapshot from the comfort of your home means you and those you love aren't scrambling to find or remember this information when it is needed at the hospital.

    Doctors and Specialists: List of any doctors so they can be consulted
    Medical History: Highlights of important medical info
    Vaccinations: Upload cards, fill in manufacturer and date info
    Surgeries and Hospitalizations: list important events, upload info
    Allergies: combines with the info on the card, list notes and reactions
    Family History: list of medical history

DocuBank SAFE

DocuBank SAFE is a complementary part of every DocuBank membership. SAFE should be used for those documents you would like access to, but should not be transmitted when DocuBank is used by hospital staff. You can create your encrypted SAFE password and begin uploading documents immediately from your personal computer.  All memberships include 2 GB of SAFE storage FREE

Share ImportantFiles

Create SAFEShare Users for friends and family so they can view the files you wish them to see.

Organization isKey

SAFE storage is set up into categories so you can keep your files organized.  Use SAFE for online access to critical documents for you and your family. Store those files you need again and again. Copies of passports, health assessments, vaccination reports, deeds, and other critical information can be stored and easily shared using SAFE.

Establishing An Exit Strategy

A SAFE Digital Executor is granted the ability to assume full access to your account upon legally verified proof of death or incapacitaion.

There are many benefits to every DocuBank membership:

Family Notification Service

You can send a personalized email to friends and family members letting them know that you have joined the DocuBank service and that your health care wishes are now available 24/7/365 in an emergency. You can also have alerts sent to contacts when your card is used - set this up in the Update My Info section.

Communicating Healthcare Wishes

We know that conversations about death and dying are difficult. That's why we offer suggestions and guidelines on how to broach this subject with loved ones. Available in our Member Services
section, we provide important conversation topics along with helpful links..


The DocuBank Emergency card arrives within 4-6 weeks of enrollment and comes with alert stickers to be placed on your driver's license or health insurance cards. These alert stickers tell hospital and emergency staff that they can obtain your vital information instantly using your
DocuBank wallet card.

Ready to work with us?

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can assist you.